Security Compliance for Cloud Assets
Intel® Cloud Integrity Technology leverages Intel® TXT code inside Intel® server processors, to provide a root of trust in the datacenter, enabling software-controlled visibility and policy enforcement of hardware-secured asset tags and launch-time measurements of the BIOS, Operating System (OS), and hypervisor. The trust and asset tag attestation information can then be used to provide workload verification, remediation, reporting, and compliance in both public and private cloud environments.
Attestation provides information about platform and workloads (VMs, containers, NfVs…) trust to improve response to malware threats
Attestation provides information to inform Intel of which systems are trustworthy for hosting secure workloads
Attestations allow Intel to verify platform and workloads trust for comparison against policy and use in audit – this include geo boundaries
Deliver the Intel chain of trust across across a broad ecosystem of Compute, Storage and Network devices.